The Sizzle Squad

2024 Sizzle Squad

Thank You

We owe the resounding success of last year’s Sizzle Dining event to the amazing local creators we partnered with and call the “Sizzle Squad”.

We are incredibly grateful to these creative superstars for their dedication and for perfectly capturing the spirit of Sizzle Dining and our community. Be sure to follow them, hire them if you can, and stay tuned for more delicious adventures from them this year from September 5-25, 2024.

What Is The Sizzle Squad?

The Sizzle Squad is a dynamic group of over 70 local micro-influencers dedicated to supporting the culinary community through the annual Sizzle Dining event. Comprising of local foodies, fashionistas, mommy bloggers, car enthusiasts, and social media mavens, the Sizzle Squad plays a crucial role in driving traffic and increasing visibility for the participating Sizzle Dining restaurants.

As trusted voices in the community, Sizzle Squad endorsements carry weight, driving word-of-mouth marketing that can significantly boost a restaurant’s reputation. Squad members are skilled in capturing the essence of a restaurant through high-quality photos and videos. Through compelling storytelling, the Squad members highlight the unique aspects of each restaurant.

From signature dishes to the overall dining ambiance, they create a narrative that attracts and engages customers. By involving their followers in contests and giveaways, the Sizzle Squad fosters community engagement and encourages direct interaction with the restaurant’s social media.

But the Sizzle Squad is more than just a group of influencers; it is a dedicated team committed to supporting local businesses and enriching our local dining scene. By partnering with the Sizzle Squad, restaurants and other businesses can harness the power of social media, authentic engagement, and high-quality content to drive traffic, increase visibility, and ultimately thrive during the Sizzle Dining event and beyond.

Consider hiring the Sizzle Squad to bring their creative expertise and genuine passion to promote your business and drive its success!

Reach out to for more info or just reach out to them below!

The Sizzle Squad

Show Them Some Love